Thursday, October 23, 2008

Here is the front of the house!!!

Looks fabulous I think....

On the portico (porch) we are having a dark grey tile.
The concreter will also put in a path up to the front door.

Inside the roomy 3 car garage. We are currently deciding where to place everything... the 2 cars, the "man's workshop stuff" and all the other stuff. Lucky the manhole (or personhole) in the roof is quite wide and roomy in the roof so there is plenty of roof. We put a light in there for the purpose of storage. "good thinking McGyver"!

It is a little hard to see the colour of the cupboards in the laundry. It is a darkish grey.

The bench top is in pale grey. The spashback, I think if we are having one, will be in the same tiles as the floor, the creamy gloss porcelain. And, look at my clothes hamper! My man just piped up..."I'm not having the same tiles as the floor"... I replied "you get what you are told"! Fight averted... he thought I was talking about the kitchen... he thought it would be too predictable if we had the same tile there... however, in the laundry as the colour is quite strong, a plain splashback will be ok! (ah... domesticity!)

More laundry

And another laundry... I have gone overboard on the laundry pics... oh well!!

The bathroom, although the bath is still in it's "protective wrap"

Bathroom vanity in "coco"

Here's a close up... the vanities in cocoa.... excuse the builders dust!!!

Here is the ensuite where the overhead mirrored cabinet.

More wall mounted vanity shots

The large front door with high ceilings...

The doors to the master bedroom... they are yet to be painted..
The master bedroom windows

The front door

The door from the garage into the hallway.....

Hope you like.....

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